Rattlesnake And Possum Slingshot Hunting Catch And Cook / Day 8 Of 30 Day Survival Challenge Texas

1 year ago

I set out to go hunting with my slingshot expecting rabbits and found a very different sort of game. In fact i almost steeped the rattlesnake. That is not the recommended way to fine them let me tell you. Just about stoped my hart when i herd the rattlesnake at my feet start doing his thing. Slingshot hunting is hard enough but the dark makes it 4 times harder. And the way the rattlesnake was moving about made it even harder but years of practice kicked in and i didn't even think as i lined up on the rattlesnake with my slingshot and just let fly. As awesome as hunting rattlesnake is with a slingshot it is not a lot of food so i kept hunting and it payed of with a chance to take a opossum with the slingshot not even an hour later. Now we will be eating good!!! The opossum is the biggest game i have ever take while hunting with a slingshot.

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