Ten Scary Facts To Know About Artificial Intelligence

6 years ago

Don’t worry, everybody-robots haven’t figured out how to take over the world…yet. However, humans are programming them to do some crazy stuff.

Robots may want us to give them rights, just like humans. They will ask for citizenships and wages. The good thing is they will also pay taxes.

Robots are learning to deceive. There’s an algorithm allowing robots to choose to tell lies and make sure you will never find out. Israel and South Korea are already using killer robots. On auto mode, those robots can decide whether to kill you or not - without the approval of human operator.

It is possible that an enemy army could hack robots and use them against their original owners, even your self-driving car can kill you. Apparently, your car can choose to swerve you into a wall in order to avoid pedestrians on the road.

Around 48 million Twitter accounts are operated by bots. Some of them will inform you of natural disaster but others are being used to brainwash you. AI will soon replace your lovers. By 2050, human-on-robot sex will become the new norm.

Robots can take over your job too. By 2053, AI will be performing surgeries, as well as 50% of all other existing jobs. Researchers are teaching AI to feel emotions. The ability to feel emotions is probably the last quality that differentiates you from robots.

AI will become too intelligent to remain under human control. Robots will develop the ability to engineer themselves and possibly wipe out humanity.

Are technological advances in artificial intelligence getting to the point where humans are essentially in the early stages of programming the end of humanity at the hands of what we now consider to be just robotic minions? It’s been commonplace for decades that robots are replacing people in the manufacturing sector, and looking forward surgeons might be sweating a little more as C-3PO’s relatives start moving into the operating room. Being able to perform a complicated task is one thing, but will robots ever reach the point where they feel a sense of pride in what they’ve accomplished?

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