On the Trail of Giants - In Appalachia and Beyond. Michelle Gibson 1-9-2024

1 year ago

On the Trail of Giants - In Appalachia and Beyond. Michelle Gibson 1-9-2024
11,499 views January 9, 2024
Michelle Gibson
I have been researching aspects of what I am presenting in this video for years, but this subject has come about as an in-depth research topic for me right now because Aaron, from the "Uncovering Hidden West Virginia" video presentation, suggested that I look into this particular topic. He sent me places he had identified to look at in Pennsylvania and West Virginia; different articles he found on giants skeletons; and some place alignments he discovered from his own inner prompting that is very revealing in terms of what has actually been going on here. He doesn't see Appalachia talked about very much, and believes it worthy of more attention. Especially after doing this deep dive, I wholeheartedly agree with him!
Aaron is deeply connected to Appalachia, having been born and raised in Marion County, West Virginia. I grew up in suburban Maryland in a location very close to a lot of the places mentioned in this video, so I have been to, or near, many of the places mentioned here. I know from my own experience of them that these places have a feeling of being much older beneath the surface of our awareness, just like the giants themselves.
Today, the very existence of giants seems to be vigorously denied, and/or fact-checked as a hoax, when their remains turn-up somewhere these days, but the consistent finding of giant human remains was well-documented in the 19th-century, several examples of which are presented in this video.
There are recurring themes that come up consistently throughout this video, including but not limited to, incredible feats of canal, railway, and tunnel-building that we are told began in our history around the late 1700s and early 1800s, most of which was completely obsolete by the early to mid-20th-century; S-shaped river bends and a history of railroads running alongside them throughout the region; mass clear-cutting of forests and mining coal-fields and iron-ore deposits until completely depleted, then the railroads started to disappear; and many of the former rail-beds having been turned into recreational trails.
You will see another story about what has actually taken place here coming into focus by the end of this video, as I take a very close look at this region and its official history, which among other things, was important to the settlement and industrialization of America, and also the wealthy and influential men behind it all.
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