Little Donkey Has A Truly Relaxing Nap In A Hammock

6 years ago

This time around the year can be especially tiring for some of us. Number one - the holidays can be very hectic and time consuming with all the running around for gifts. Number two - the atmosphere and all of the Christmas cheer can really take its toll on us.

Overall, the holidays are fun and very enjoyable, but sometimes we just need time for ourselves to sit back, relax and enjoy in the moment. For some of us, it may be one of the few times around the year when we have the chance to just lay back and not think about work, nor have any responsibilities.

In this video, we have the perfect case of how one can and probably should spend their holidays. It is very interesting how sophisticated beings such as humans can learn a little something about relaxing from animals. These guys have very carefully selected their backyard items and arrangements, just so it looks cozy and welcoming enough for them to relax and put their feet up, after a hard day's work. However, today is different. Today they have quite the guest, who has noticed that it has been quite a while since someone has actually taken a moment to enjoy their beautiful hammock. And so, this donkey is exclusively dedicated to showing these humans the ropes.

The little guy has obviously had quite the hard day working on the farm, pulling on the plow and collecting all that wheat from the fields. So as we can all agree, he is lying down on the hammock for a well deserved shut eye. Nothing and nobody can wake him up. Not even the strong camera light! He is so tightly asleep that it is hard to believe that donkeys can get so exhausted. Or maybe this donkey is not that tired but he simply loves the feeling of having a nap in the hammock and we all know that the first few hours of napping send us in the strongest sleep that is.

The way the little buddy is sleeping, makes us want to lie down a bit, and even maybe doze off for the day, say goodbye to all the daily tasks and just switch off our brains and diligently commit ourselves to the world of dreams. It would feel good, wouldn’t it?

It is a widely known fact that donkeys are stubborn, hence the phrase “as stubborn as a donkey”. However, this is not entirely true. Donkeys have a reason for everything they do. Their behavior is controlled and influenced by a wide range of factors. Misunderstanding of the donkeys’ true nature and behavior leads to the incorrect but common belief that donkeys are stubborn. Donkeys do have a great sense of self-preservation and are unwilling to do anything that might be dangerous. This sense of self-preservation combined with different body language from that of a horse leads to confusion about donkey’s anxiety and fear levels.

Go ahead and take a look for yourself as he takes relaxing to a whole different level! Attaboy!

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