15,000 Social Media Profiles Over 3 Years

1 year ago

We analyzed 15,000 social media profiles over the last 3 years to see what’s changing with organic social media reach. Here’s what we learned. Linking out to an external site on average decreases your reach by 219.49% while 3 years ago, it used to only decrease your reach by 74.51%. Content containing short-form videos on average have 32.18% more reach. 3 years ago it was 54.77%. Short-form videos on average were 13 seconds long, now they are on average 44 seconds long. 3 years ago, social posts with 10 or more comments had 285.32% more engagement, now social posts with 10 or more comments have 194.26% more engagement. Organic social media reach has declined by roughly 61.83% over the last 3 years. Profiles that post 1 to 2 times a day on average see the most reach, while 3 years ago profiles that posted 3 plus times a day saw the most reach. Both today and 3 years ago, posting low-quality content that doesn’t get engagement hurts your overall organic reach for all your content (we saw this particularly true for YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook). When people respond to all their comments on their social media posts, they see 12.74% more reach. 3 years ago, it used to be 39.57%. Overall social media reach is declining for most platforms. So, does this mean you shouldn’t spend any time on “organic” social media marketing? No, instead, just leverage it for what it is. And repurpose your content to save time.

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