CJ Ep #64 This is the reality of the biz! Sometimes you get checks that are .20 cents…..

1 year ago

CJ Ep #64
This is the reality of the biz! Sometimes you get checks that are .20 cents…..

@claudiajordan Ok I’m still counting…. This is the reality of the biz! These checks are from NBC’s Deal or No Deal- a show I did way back in 2004/2005 for 4 seasons. Sometimes you get checks that are .20 cents…..sometimes you get checks that are a couple hundred dollars. All I know is there’s gotta be a better way to send actor’s/ Host’s their residuals without mailing off 165 separate envelopes! ! Anyways—— this definitely going towards a spa day somewhere. I’ll report back on this when I count it all up!

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