Article 4601 Video- International Public Notice: The Power of the State Assemblies By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 4601 Video - International Public Notice: The Power of the State Assemblies - Wednesday, January 10, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Even in a simple General Assembly, without having the other parts and "pillars" in complete array, the State General Assembly has immense powers, because the State is the sovereign power in this country.

The instrumentalities, like the Union of States called The United States, and The United States of America, our Federation of States, wield the "mutually shared powers" by agreement of the member States, but are not sovereign entities in-and-of themselves.

The true wheelhouse of power and voice of the people of this country is vested in their American State of the Union.

As we have been at pains to explain throughout, there are three populations in this country and they are by no means of equal political status.

This is owing to the fact that two of these populations, though born here and raised here, have adopted foreign citizenship.

The Citizens of the British Territorial United States have adopted U.S. Citizen status, which makes them indentured servants of the British Monarch.

The citizens of the Municipal United States have adopted citizenship of the United States, which makes them slaves of the Pope.

Americans, by contrast, who adopt and claim their birthright political status, are not citizens at birth, and cannot voluntarily adopt State Citizenship until they are at least 21 years of age.

This is not the only difference.

Americans can own land in this country. British Territorials and Municipal citizens cannot.

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