TTLR EP537: TL Nuggets #143 - Visibility Vs Getting Paid - Part 1

11 months ago

It seems like a simple and effective strategy: Grow your visibility, get on podcasts, get more views… this is the sizzle that’s sold by too many charlatan marketers. Does podcasting give you visibility? Yes. Can podcast guesting get you paid? Yes! But it won’t work if that’s your only intention. Your vision has to be bigger than that. Beyond visibility and getting paid, podcasting is a powerful way to build real relationships with people who need to see that you care and that you're the one who can solve their problem. This episode is about preparing to deliver your message through stories that will move people. Turn your visibility into human connection.

If you want to know more, register for the Get Booked & Get Paid event.

Two Days of LIVE Online Workshop with Nicky Billou on February 16 & 17 from 11 AM to 5 PM Eastern each day.

- ​Learn how podcast guesting connects you to your target audience, fast!
- Learn how to add $100,000 to $250,000 to your business, this year!
- Learn how to create a brand that attracts clients to you easily and effortlessly!

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

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