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New Moon Blue Storm 2024 Go Go Go

1 year ago

This is the Blue Storm Wavespell
Day 5
Blue Overtone Night
Planet is Saturn
Our Saturnian cycles
Saturn in Pisces right now ~ my Saturn return
Getting free of addictions ~Creating and living clear and free of addictions
Coming into our power by releasing power imbalance within and without
Blue Storm is the transformer in the White Castle of Red Skywalker
2013 for me in personal codes ~ the year after the 2012 shift
In this spiral last year I was in the UK sorting out yet another situation
It could have been very different.....
We have to work with the challenges and other people's patterns
This can be difficult when people believe they are 'conscious' or 'spiritual' but it's only a brand they have created for themselves
I get asked this a lot about relationships especially by women.
If people are not doing the healing work they are not changing their vibration
If they are not focusing on their ancestral patterns and recognising how they are embodying them there will be projection going on
If we do not heal it is impossible to change our holograph
The holograph is designed to evolve and will bring us what we need to do that
At this time the karmic patterns are on full darkness
We have reached the black hole
Everything is coming together to get people to make an inner shift
No inner shift ~ no outer shift
The heart knows
The heart shows
Get with the Goddess programme ;-)
Are you a Toltec archetype?

We are here to raise the gameplan
We each have to go there first

What is your dream in this life?
What is getting in the way of that?
How has this always been in your life?
Write it down with the intent to heal it

Tap on it
Each and every event
Change your movies within
Change your trajectory
Watch Arnold on Netflix and see how he had a powerful dream
how he sabotaged it because of old ancestral patterning
Very interesting

The core truth is that we all want to feel loved and living a wonder ful life
That is our seed intention

We can achieve that...
If we are willing to do what it takes to heal

Otherwise, the lessons get bigger

We have to align with new wisdom by rewiring ourselves to allow it


New Moon workshop is Saturday 13 January 11am Eastern 4pm UK time
In person Naples Florida

Full Moon workshop is Friday 7pm Eastern time in Naples Florida at EE system

Flow with Jo