Pandemic Simulations Rehearse Ways to Dismantle Human Rights

9 months ago

An actual public health response to pandemics would look at ways to keep society functioning whilst protecting the most vulnerable, which was espoused by infectious disease epidemiologists very early in the Covid-19 pandemic. They were attacked mercilessly for daring to speak with common sense. The Great Barrington Declaration, penned by three infectious disease epidemiologists in October 2020, attracted almost 1 million signatories despite strict censorship.

Those with the wealth and power to control information channels ensured the general public remained convinced that they must surrender their human rights for "the greater good". The same actors had been rehearsing how to pull such a stunt off, for at least 20 years. Read more here:

Paul Schreyer has investigated these pandemic rehearsals and presented on his findings here:

The World Health Organization, partnering with wealth and power via the World Economic Forum, plan to do it all again quite soon. They have named the next "unknown" threat "Disease X" for now. They claim it will kill 20 x more people than Covid did.


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