5 months ago

(I have tried to edit this video to no avail. I was muted for a little over 2 minutes, so scroll over to 2 minutes and 50 seconds.) This is a very serious teaching! There is scripture detailing what happens with people that are disobedient and not walking in the light. There is also scripture explaining not to walk with these people and not let them lure you into their disobedience. The consequences of these actions can be extremely severe. Also, Noel is back with us and we are most grateful he and his family are alive. There is a time of fellowship after the teaching and Noel brings us up to date on what is and has been going on with him and his family. Noel and his family lost EVERYTHING during the flooding. If you would like to help, please contact me at rachelalexanderministries@gmail.com or send funds to paypal.me/RAMinistriesGlobal

Here is a link to the audio only version. Again, scroll over to 2 minutes and 50 seconds because I was muted at the beginning. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/AqgZ1e9MeflKBMQJivwAtfowiD9I7yeAgDy7V-CpaT9b-ZRiM0_u106kywJX-tDIW5-0OJj7n9RdWHO8.s4RT_GfVuzWDy9JL?autoplay=true

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