The Dangers of Ignoring Duty_ Unveiling the Toxicity of Pseudo-Masculinity

5 months ago

This is what's crazy All these people who talk about toxic masculinity and how bad it is for men to be traditionally masculine A traditionally masculine man does things he doesn't feel like doing because it is his duty to do them He charges into the burning building because it is his duty not because he feels like it but because it is his duty We're now teaching the new generation of men that they don't have duty and they can just act on their feelings and act how they feel and they don't have to act as a man should Do you know what happens when you get men who just act how they feel You get school shooters you get violence you get rapists Men who do not control their emotions are dangerous If you find a man who is stoic he's not going to hurt people He's going to sit and think about his actions very carefully and he's going to be a good man who protects and provides for his family You find a man who just acts out on impulse and does whatever he feels like You're going to find a dangerous man sitting here telling men to cry more and act with their feelings And it's okay to feel this way that way etc and have no self-control That is why we have the problems we have in the world Absolutely not really wrong So when they talk about toxic masculinity they have it completely inversed on its head Completely not really wrong We need to be teaching stoicism We need to be teaching young men to understand that the world is very very difficult It's hard to be a man You're going to feel bad sometimes You just suck it up and perform anyway Not to sit there and cry your eyes out or blame other people A lot of the problem with people especially in the world today is they misunderstand the difference between a dream and a plan And nothing good in your life is ever going to happen by accident If you see a guy in fantastic shape you don't say how'd you get in great shape He goes oops oops I just fell No he ate a specific way He trained a specific time He did specific things for a specific outcome And it's the same with finances And most people who are broke if you say do you want to be rich You want to be rich How are you going to get rich One day I'll win the lottery Yeah dumb shit You have no plan You have no plan whatsoever No actual steps No you're not doing things daily You're just hoping At some point in the future God's going to just dump it on your doorstep Guess what It ain't going to fucking happen And unless you have a plan a specific plan I'm sure you guys had a very you had a plan and you worked hard to get to your points I had a plan Everything was like OK today we have to do day after day after day until you get there And this is what most people don't have because they're too arrogant or too lazy I don't think it's stupid I think most people if you laid out a plan and they tried their very best and they were willing to learn could do it I don't think people are too stupid to make money They're just too lazy or too arrogant to make money That's the problem with people OK so the days of easy money are gone

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