The Power of Hard Work_ Why Quick and Easy Won't Make You Valuable

1 year ago

So I'm sitting there and I understand what I need So these are the things you need to be a high value man Your mentality is heavily linked to your reality And the fact that most people have such weak mindsets comes from the fact that they have a weak life a weak body a weak social circle a weak network a weak bank account a weak relationship And then their mind is weak So if someone comes to me and goes I doubt myself I usually look at them and go yeah I understand why you're a little fat piece of s*** you're stupid Hey Andrew so how do I get like a six pack quick What's the best fastest way to get a six pack Why does it have to be quick Why does it have to be easy Why do you think life is all quick and easy Why can't it be hard and difficult Why can't you suffer Because suffering is what gives it value If everyone had a six pack and it was quick and easy then it wouldn't be valuable would it If everyone walked around with a quick the six pack and they got it easily then no one would give a s*** The whole point is that it's difficult to get Value is linked to difficulty If you want something that is valuable you need something which is difficult to obtain The fact that you just said you wanted it quick and easily shows that your whole mental model is f***ed You shouldn't be thinking about quick and easy You should be thinking about hard suffering pain going through it That's what you should be thinking about This is going to be hard but I'm going to do it anyway Because when it is done then everyone's going to know that I went through something difficult Why do you want it to be quick and easy

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