The Aeon Call Energy Vlog

1 year ago

The Aeon Call Energy Vlog title is from the date January 11, 2024 thus #20 the Aeon of Judgment card, a clarion call self judgement. We can see the problem we are having with Judgement here in the USA.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us two amplitudes. The first amplitude power of 26 at 7:00 AM UTC, thus the Chariot brings us to our strength and bravery. The second amplitude power of 25 at 8:15 AM UTC, thus Temperance is needed as we take charge of our Chariot. The quality power is #19 the Sun is shining through my window again. abundance is your to keep. The frequency average is 7.88 Hertz thus we have a sum of 23 or the # 5 the Hierophant card a Pope of ill repute or a esteemed Spiritual Messenger.

We can say about it all: The Judgement of the Aeon calls for Strength and bravery as we journey under the blazing Sun to listen to the Spiritual messenger, message to allow that good shit to come to you! Per the Rebel deck Oracal with an attitude.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather News siute:
Jaun O Seven interview video:

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