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BOMBSHELL Vaccine Data - This Could Change EVERYTHING

1 year ago

BOMBSHELL Vaccine Data - This Could Change EVERYTHING

Jan. 10, 2024

Russell Brand


As Bret Weinstein informs Tucker of the alarming number of deaths resulting from the Covid vaccine.

Pfizer makes a $43 Billion bet that 'turbo cancers' are going to explode around the world.

But why, and could the two possibly be connected?

https://www.Brickhouserussell.com promo code BRAND for 15% off

Original: https://youtu.be/kMWlOcjBdMc

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#CovidScam #Fauci #GreatReset #WealthTransfer #Censor #Plandemic #VaccineProfits #BillGates #Klaus


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  • 0/2000
  • We know what is causing it. They do too, but are not going to admit anything. On the plus side, they are killing off the ones who got the jabs. Problem is when they also kill off the unjabbed with hospital protocols to make it seem they are dying of covid. So many stories out there that are sad. How do they live with themselves?

  • Not very nice Charlene! I didn't get jabbed along with my immediate family. But others got sucked into the propaganda and fearmongering from leaders that you 'should' be able to trust. My 87yr old mum stiil has faith that the gov wouldn't hurt people or her dictor who said it was safe!! Those are the ones that wouldn't upset me if they got sick or even died. I was a little scared at the start like most but like you I didn't trust the'single source of truth' or scientists that were going to get rich from those that were too trusting. It was very suprising the numbers that got hooked into the narrative. People that I thought would never be fooled like that. But fooled they were/are! But they don't need to be scoffed at impending possible deaths!