"Shrek" gets engaged during hockey game intermission

7 years ago

Recently at a Vancouver Giants hockey game in Langley, British Columbia, there was some great excitement taking place besides the game. The Giants are a major junior ice hockey team playing in the Western Hockey League in the Vancouver area. During every intermission, the organization puts on different activities to keep the fans excited and involved until the game resumes after each break. These activities range from shooting t-shirts from an air operated "bazooka" aboard an all terrain vehicle to mini minor players having a short hockey game. Even though these are exciting, the one that seems to really get the fans going is what is called "fan bowling".

Giant bowling pins are arranged on the ice, a chosen fan is places on a sliding disc, and the "loaded" bungee activated sling shot propels them towards the pins. As you can guess, some fans are a little more brave than others and hang on until the last second. The 1st chosen fan did a great job in knocking down all the pins, but it was the 2nd fan that really won the biggest prize. Even though Britta was not the winner of a STRIKE, she had won the heart of her man. Dustin, Britta's partner, had set up his plans with some of the Giants staff to propose to Britta and here is what the great staff members came up with for the both of them. Congratulations Dustin and Britta!

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