Sovereign Living Man Destroys a Fraudulent Judge

1 year ago

Close and careful attention to this folks. This is how these criminal corporate racketeers behave when you stand your ground and you know your right as a living man and you know the law, natural law.

They have nowhere to go. When they acquiesce to such a position, they automatically declare themselves guilty as they retreat as did this corporate fiction judge

Let us be an example to those who would interfere in the natural rights of man living or otherwise.

As the corporations are now all dissolved, all service corporations are now pirateering for a dissolved corporation. As Legislation is Corporate Law it can only contract with a living man/woman by consent of that living man/woman and under contract law ALL contracts must be LAWFUL and involve fully informed consent, no threat, intimidation, violence, coercion and this female judge is operating outside the legislation she swore an oath to. She is guilty of malfeasance of public office and I hope all scumbags like this judge experience the temporary fear of the hangman's noose

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