Episode 1774: The Blind Church leading the Blind Catholic Faithful

5 months ago

I want to open this episode with two examples.
First example: Which I call “Don’t touch me and touch me”
We were saying the rosary last night (Glorious mysteries) and when saying the 1st Mystery – Resurrection the narrative Bead 3: Contemplate Jesus' words to Mary Magdeline, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father."
Now we all know that Christ remained on earth in a pre-ascended state for 40 days and part of that time he appeared to the apostles and at one encounter he said to St Thomas "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it to my side. Stop doubting and believe."
So Mary Magdelene could not touch him in the pre-ascended state, but Thomas could. Why? Now many of the ladies out there would say it was a chauvinistic time. Well you all know Christ could not be and would not be sophistic in fact he elevated woman at that time and showed ample respect in the proper order.
So did you say okay Wal why then? ALAS I will explain.
In order to understand Jesus' vastly different instructions to Mary and Thomas, we need to understand the purity requirements for the Jewish High Priest on the Day of Atonement. The High Priest was forbidden to come into contact with anything that was ceremonially unclean in order to avoid being disqualified to enter God's presence the following day. So much depended on this ritual purity!
After His resurrection, Jesus (as our ultimate High Priest) would shortly be ministering in the heavenly tabernacle (Heb. 9:11). It is significant that Jesus appeared to the disciples and told Thomas to touch him after eight days, because it takes seven days to ordain a priest (Ex. 29:35).

The most-likely reason for Jesus’ instructions to Mary had to do with the fact that He was determined to enter the heavenly tabernacle in a ready-to-serve, consecrated state. Defilement would not be a sin, but it would have disqualified Him (for a period of time) from entering God’s presence. Mary may have had a number of reasons for defilement (possible menstrual circle, stepping into the tomb, etc.), Jesus' priestly mission was too important to allow for any possibility of failure. By the time Jesus met Thomas, His priestly work is done. He had returned from completing His duties and possible defilement was no longer an issue.

Jesus' role as prophet was carried out during His earthly life. His role as king was yet to be realized at the time of the ascension. He first needed to be ordained a priest and perform His duties in the heavenly tabernacle! Nothing could be permitted to stand in the way of his mission.
Second Example: Which I call “Fool me once, Fool me Twice – no third time”

My eldest daughter Angela texted me last night and said “Just left a CCD meeting and I threw out that you have a podcast, you may get some new followers”
And then followed that text up with “You would have demolished this Deacon; I could hear you in my ear the whole time”
I called her and asked her to explain, and she said this deacon teaching CCD said that Catholics are misunderstanding the Papal support for the same sex blessings, and he also said that Children should be welcomed on the altar even if they want to play there. Then a parent asked if it is true the Priest is really no different than the lay-people and instead of correcting him he just started babbling.
Now the title of this episode is the Blind leading the Catholic Blind. The reason I mentioned these two different examples is that the first demonstrates that our culture has infected our faith. To assume the reason Christ said do not touch to a woman and touch to a man had nothing to do with chauvinistic but Priestly ministry and the second shows that that teachers of the faith who are blind due to their ignorance are creating a blind (or ignorant) Catholic class and then it goes downhill from there.
But what I said to my daughter was “Although I appreciate you pointing people to my podcast “CatholicReboot” you have to ask why did not challenge the deacon. Yu need to feel strong enough in your faith to object and standup and say “stop” and ask basic catechism questions. Why? Because one day I am gone and who will be there to defend the Church?
The deacon said that the reason for deacons today is the loss of vocations. Okay who is to blame for that? The church was busting at the seams with religious priests and sisters and right after the V2 the vocations plummeted not to mention the religious exiting in mass. I gave you the numbers in previous episodes and then the destruction was worse with divorced Catholics, loss of respect for the holy eucharist with communion in the hand and loss of the sacrament of penance. That is all their faut and yet those that did all this damage want to remain in control to do more damage. Why? Because they want to turn the lights off on the Catholic Church. We refuse to let them win. We want the church back.
So fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you the third just does not happen. V2 of the 1960’s was strike one, the destruction of the church from the 1970’s until now is strike two and we as faithful Catholics will not let strike three happen with the destruction of our faith because our children deserve better. I told my dad they could call your generation the greatest, but it was your generation that took away our birth right by allowing these usurpers to teach us a watered down non existing faith and that is why most baby boomers either left the faith or their children did. I personally feel terrible for raising my daughters in that garage faith and I left in 2000 but it was far to late. My mission now is to go after as many non-practicing catholic and teach them the true catholic faith and not rest until we get these usurpers the hell out of our church. Our grandchildren depend on us. So all you grandparents out there do not look forward to a comfortable retirement but rather relearn your faith and instruct the children. Then go out there and convert somebody. Good day.

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