Zionist Whistleblower Fights for Justice: Cindy Grosz

11 months ago

Zionist, Whistleblower Cindy Grosz exposes scandals, corruption & discrimination against Jews and children in the corrupt education system in this exclusive interview with DiBrava. Cindy is an award winning educator, 2020 Congressional Candidate, Jewish Advisor for The National Diversity Coalition for Trump, and national radio host of "The Jewess Patriot" on just for starters. She has been featured on Newsmax, Israel National News, The Sid & Friends Radio Show, The New York Post and much more.
Her lawsuit against the NYC DOE exposes scandals and corruption within public schools and discrimination against Jews. Cindy's radio show "The Jewess Patriot" is syndicated through Conservative Television of America and the Black and White Network. The show streams through RokuTV, Amazon FireTV, iHeart, Spotify and Deezer and out of Israel through Jewish Podcasts. Cindy is also the chair of Jewish Vote GOP and a Jewish advisor for many political candidates. Find out more at CindyGrosz.com

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