Courageous Americans Signed The Declaration Of Military Accountability | The Rob Maness Show EP 288

1 year ago

January First of 2024 saw a new generation of Americans decide to stand up and live up to the values and actions of our founding fathers. The American people were sent an open letter with the Declaration of Military Accountability attached. The declaration is signed by 231 active, retired, and former members of the US Armed Forces who are calling for a return to accountability in the institution we serve, the Department of Defense and our services. Yes, I said we because I am a signatory of the declaration and proud of it. Our view is to reflect on the founders’ values and ask the American people to step up and demand military accountability because we have exhausted all internal attempts at remedies for holding the senior officers and enlisted members accountable for their actions in issuing and enforcing illegal orders, especially through the illegal COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the armed forces by President Joe Biden. We are passionate about our effort because this single institution, the US military is the core of everything that is a free America. If it remains blindly following partisan political ideologies instead of serving and defending our constitution, the country is lost. Today my guests are both signers of the declaration too. Former US Army 1Lt Mark Bashaw was court martialed for his efforts to keep leadership on the narrow path of honor and fidelity to the law, former US Army Drill Sergeant John Delarm, who was forced out of the service within two years of reaching retirement, as was Lt Bashaw.

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