126. Diseases of Modern Civilization: Drivers and Antidotes

1 year ago

Research Activities Dr. Clayton currently focusing on:

 The prevalence and causes of Type B malnutrition and its impact on individual
and public health
 The research-based design and development of ‘functional’ mass-consumed foods
and beverages
 The research-based design and application of multi-component pharmaco-
nutritional programmes in the modification of degenerative disease
 The development of DBS testing systems for disseminated use
 The development / amplification of innate immune components as antibiotics

Paul Clayton, clinical pharmacologist and pharmaco-nutritionist. Paul is obsessed about food, nutrition and health so that you don't have to. Unless you want to, that is. Either way, you're welcome to drop in for science updates, analysis, opinion and bits of advice about diet and health! And debate, if you're not into the whole brevity thing. At meetings, people often ask who he is writing for. Much of the material is too simple for the real experts, and too tangled for laypeople. He writes for himself. The posts are attempts to make sense of the science for his own private pleasure, a neurotic impulse that goads him to try to understand the unbearable complexity of life and turn it into simple, and at some level comforting, narrative.


20:03:08 From Martha Stark, MD : Orchestra conductors always live really long because they are always moving their arms (to conduct their orchestras), which improves their forced expiratory volumes
20:04:40 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Orchestra conductors..." with ❤️
20:04:45 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Rs225014, Rs10770704..." with ❤️
20:04:50 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Genes of thyroid dis..." with ❤️
20:06:28 From Carol Willis : I love the concept
20:06:38 From Maura : Reacted to "Orchestra conductors…" with ❤️
20:09:26 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Please share link to article
20:10:04 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672390/
20:10:31 From Dr. Tom Lewis : 1. Clayton P, Rowbotham J. An unsuitable and degraded diet? Part 1: Public health lessons from the mid-Victorian working class diet. J. Roy. Soc. Med. 2008;101:282–289. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
2. Clayton P, Rowbotham J. An unsuitable and degraded diet? Part 2. Realities of the mid-Victorian diet. J. Roy. Soc. Med. 2008;101:350–357. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
3. Clayton P, Rowbotham J. An unsuitable and degraded diet? Part 3. Victorian consumption patterns and their health benefits. J. Roy. Soc. Med. 2008;101:454–462. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
20:14:56 From - : Forcing the population off farms and into the industrial centers.
20:15:21 From Maura : Reacted to "Forcing the populati…" with 👍
20:17:16 From Louise Vogel’s iPhone : Very interesting about the conductors. I’ve always wondered. Lol they also have lush heads of hair.
20:20:19 From - : According to some also, such a high number of people being forced into the military during the world wars and leaving their native diets
20:32:19 From Martha Stark, MD : As a follow-up to my earlier comment – A study conducted by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company shows that orchestra conductors live 38 percent longer than the general population. The reason is simple — conducting is good cardiovascular exercise.
20:33:24 From - : Japanese drink a lot of tea as well.
20:34:02 From Martha Stark, MD : Orchestra conductors have always lived longer than people in other professions. Famous conductors of the past, then in an era when life expectancy was around 50 years, lived well into their 80s and 90s — Leopold Stokowski (95), Pablo Casals (96), Nadia Boulanger (92), and Arturo Toscanini (89), to name a few.
20:34:39 From Dragon3 : Would quercetin help omega 3 enter the cell?
20:37:30 From nareshchand : ALA (plant-based omega 3)- nuts, seeds, beans, avocados, and greens are better than fish oil?
20:41:37 From - : “Heritage” are they like the heirloom? Heirloom fruits available during the winter holiday season sells faster. If you are not first at the store you will miss out.
20:45:07 From Dragon3 : Planned depopulation.
20:45:44 From - : Replying to "Planned depopulation..."

What happened between 2010 and 2020? That was a very steep dip.
20:48:43 From iPhone : Replying to "Planned depopulation…"
@- it’s about to get a lot steeper
20:51:05 From Wayne Jankowske : How do you answer challenges from the Ray Peat (Bioenergetic) crowd that argue that Omega 3 PUFAs are basically as prone to overconsumption as, say, Omega 6?
20:51:56 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I never believed in Peat’s thesis. Cherry picked data like Gregor
20:51:59 From - : What about coconut oil. I get great anti-inflammatory results and good gut and skin results.
20:52:20 From Wayne Jankowske : Now Mercola is even embracing Ray Peat
20:52:54 From Dr. Tom Lewis : He wants all of us to eat lots of watermelon - enough said.
20:53:11 From Maura : Reacted to "He wants all of us t…" with 👍
20:54:32 From - : Fiber relay race!
20:54:37 From iPhone (6) : Hoping replay goes up soon, missed the first half
20:55:00 From iPhone (6) : Reacted to "He wants all of us t…" with 🍉
20:55:03 From Brenda : I always have a hard time finding the replays
20:55:50 From Wayne Jankowske : Agreed on that count re watermelon. I just want to investigate every seemingly-reasonable thesis. Before Mercola's embrace, I began to sense that, while an Omega 3/6 balance may be important that we should focus on Reducing Omega 6 rather than greatly increasing Omega 3 as a way to raise the ratio
20:56:06 From Maura : Is it better to supplement with polysaccharides like acacia fibre
20:56:57 From Paul Mondello : Harasho
20:57:00 From Wayne Jankowske : not going to Moscow for a course... could you not teach at a border town in Mexico?
21:00:24 From Linda Anderson : How does Russian health compare to Western
21:01:09 From Carol Stanton : Any research on anti parasitic (ivermectin) interventions?
21:01:59 From - : Eat a fat with the fruit OR fiber.
21:02:00 From iPhone (6) : Fantastic guest
21:02:33 From Steve : watermelon highly alkalizes the body
21:03:04 From Shoshanna : Reacted to "Fantastic guest" with 👍
21:03:39 From - : I am grateful to the Russians for “Rhododendron caucasicum”
21:03:49 From iPhone (6) : Reacted to "Fantastic guest" with 👍
21:04:18 From Maura : Reacted to "I am grateful to the…" with ❤️
21:04:38 From Maura : Reacted to "Fantastic guest" with 👍
21:05:26 From Steve : Replying to "I always have a hard..."

Brenda, the replays are here:

21:05:37 From - : Jerusalem artichokes are included with many probiotic supplements.
21:06:13 From Charles Goulet : Jerusalem artichokes go also by the name of sunchokes
21:07:00 From iPhone (5)judith : Replying to "Jerusalem artichokes…"
Also go by “fart-a-chokes”😂
21:09:47 From - : Many cultures who use high eat also marinade meats in fruits
21:11:00 From Maura : So glad you were able to chat to us tonight Dr Clayton - thank you
21:11:06 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : Are slides going to be available?
21:11:26 From - : *high heat*
21:11:27 From Shoshanna : very appreciated presentation :)
21:11:40 From Tina : Is there a website? Oh good
21:11:52 From iPhone : Thank you- this was incredibly interesting! I hope you have a few disciples following in your footsteps!
21:11:56 From paul clayton : drpaulclayton.eu
21:12:51 From Wayne Jankowske : could you retype your email?
21:13:08 From iPhone : Reacted to "So glad you were abl…" with ❤️
21:13:09 From Wayne Jankowske : I missed the early minutes where you apparently put it
21:13:12 From - : The website and blog are great Dr. Clayton
21:14:08 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : What about the significant increase in farmaceuticals?
21:14:32 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Paul Clayton, clinical pharmacologist and pharmaco-nutritionist. Paul is obsessed about food, nutrition and health so that you don't have to. Unless you want to, that is. Either way, you're welcome to drop in for science updates, analysis, opinion and bits of advice about diet and health! And debate, if you're not into the whole brevity thing. At meetings, people often ask who he is writing for. Much of the material is too simple for the real experts, and too tangled for laypeople. He writes for himself. The posts are attempts to make sense of the science for his own private pleasure, a neurotic impulse that goads him to try to understand the unbearable complexity of life and turn it into simple, and at some level comforting, narrative.

21:14:33 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : harmaceuticals
21:14:51 From - : https://drpaulclayton.eu/
21:15:24 From - : https://drpaulclayton.eu/blog-2/blog/
21:16:25 From Donna : Thank you! Thought provoking presentation. I will visit your blog.
21:16:35 From Wayne Jankowske : Google is warning me that your site is unsafe... but I pushed thru it on got on thru another computer
21:16:46 From - : https://drpaulclayton.eu/books/
21:16:49 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Dr. Paul Clayton might be brilliant and very well informed, but “humility” is not his strong suit!!
21:17:09 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Martha Stark, MD(privately) : Very British..
21:17:19 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : A wonderful “reframe”!
21:17:59 From - : Replying to "Google is warning me..."

21:19:41 From - : Dr. Clayton’s books and e-books include Health Defence, After Atkins, Natural Defences, Out of the Fire, Let Your Food be Your Pharmaco-nutrition and Strengthening Your Immune System: How to Fight Infection, Allergy and Autoimmune Disease.
21:20:02 From - : Replying to "Dr. Clayton’s books ..."


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