JUAN O SAVIN- FAITH that Leads to FAITHFULNESS- Delora OBrien 1 10 2024

11 months ago

I cut this into two Parts.. and it is two separate messages. PART ONE.
This is about the Faith that you have that will change your life. The Christian Belief system includes Believing in yourself and learning how to hold that Faith through the toughest of times. The Patriot Community is "eating it's own" right now. Not that this is new.. but we all need our time when we just follow God's mission for us. Regardless of others that may be using you for their needs... learn to follow YOUR heart with Jesus and discover the true meanings of Discernment and Care.
Delora's full program is here: https://rumble.com/v463p29-juan-osavin-are-we-a-country-in-mourning-is-hope-gone-no-god-will-have-the-.html

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