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New York tunnel Rabbis

1 year ago

..The building known as 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn in New York, holds immense significance as the global headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement. Known simply as '770'. Tunnels have been dug out from the facility. The purpose is unclear but speculation is rife.


  • 0/2000
  • Looks like 2024 is kicking off to a good start.

  • Great Video! 100% TRUTH! Read jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Lesse! jews have been STEALING & RAPING & MURDERING & EATING & DRINKING THE BLOOD/Adrenalchrome of Children for 7,500 years & will continue to do so until all are Dead! Read the Scriptures, it is all in there!

  • DESTROY THEIR POWER SOURCE WITH THE MANIFESTO! https://triangleofhealthandwealthcare.wordpress.com/

  • This, as a whole, has to be one of the most dangerous, delusional groups of people on the planet. It's funny that they say we, 'the goy', are the animals.. look at these freaks! They look like a bunch of diseased rats with lice - dancing around, kicking their legs. Fricken parasites!

    1 like
  • Oy vey you hooked nosed RATS 🐀

    1 like
  • That's right their Messiah in (who was forced to convert to Muslim in 1666 or face death) Sabbatai Zevi taught that when all the world was evil, the Messiah would come (they did not accept Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Lover and Truth teller)... and Talmudic thinking, if they make the world as shitty as possible, like Sneeeeeerrrrrson went on like, good things will come to the jews... like their subversion and takeover of Germany after WW1. When the Hungarians busted lodges when they bused the Bala Kun (jewish) communists in the 1920's, they found they practiced Kaballa, and not a few were just plain synagogues. The real God will not be pleased. all in the bible. when will they ever learn? "Never" they cry.

  • ChatGPT concludes -- "Jews: No immunity to wrongdoing" https://chat.openai.com/share/38736b74-1288-4eb2-adb2-c76f6351f776 [ note: OpenAI/ChatGPT generated the title itself, and also provided all the evidence by its dodgy answers. Not surprising, considering OpenAI "boss" Sam Altman, is a J..J..J.. ] ================================================================= ChatGPT falsley claims -- "AI Debunks Conspiracy Theories" https://chat.openai.com/share/fb112d58-66d3-4df6-a6ca-5f5e90cb161a [ again: OpenAI/ChatGPT generated the title itself ] ================================================================= ChatGPT concludes -- "Messianic Jews are NOT Christians" https://chat.openai.com/share/893c1881-ab3c-462e-b6e8-8e394f4ed61a [ Proven in 7 logical steps, plus a bonus proof against "Jews for Jesus" ]

  • jewish ritual murder the jew NEVER CHANGES EVER https://www.bitchute.com/video/gGfx2JKWKTFP/

  • https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx0Sw8sfu86_ZGYMwwI9L7x7MI_6sy0C5h this is the only follow up i've seen whatsoever of the tunnels story.. and its buried in a 40 minute video about the migrants arriving in NYC. guess we know what BB is doing to speed things up