Sandy Hook YouTube Ad Promoting Ban of Semi-Automatic Firearms FAIR-USE TITLE 17 § 107 Jan 9, 2024

5 months ago

Sandy Hook Propaganda Sponsored YouTube Ad Promoting Ban of Semi-Automatic Firearms

What Makes this Sandy Hook Paid Advertisement Propaganda is the Misleading Nature of the Advertisement and The Fact

Full Automatic Assault Weapons are Already Illegal.

They are Trying to Take away Semi-Automatics Now.

They are Using US Tax Dollars to Try to Influence and Change Public Opinion.

When They Say "Assault Weapons" They Really Mean Semi-Automatics Since Full Automatic Assault Weapons are Already Banned NFA Items.

You Already Can NOT Buy an Assault Weapon.

You Already Can NOT Own an Assault Weapon.

This Sandy Hook Propaganda is About Subverting Your Constitutional Rights Under The 2nd Amendment and Making The American People Defenseless. They Want You Back to Using Muskets and Single Shot Muzzle Loaders.

Why Are They Promoting The Sandy Hook Tragedy More Than 10 Years Later ?

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