Vivek Understands The Moment We Are Living In | Revolutionary Times For A Revolutionary People

11 months ago

The moment we are living in is that of tumultuous times with a tough road ahead but with a proper analysis of how brittle the landscape we have to traverse truly is we may in time come out prosperous on the other side of the cultural mine field we are preverbally weeding our way through in the current day. The most important first step is to accurately assess the landscape in correlation with an understanding of not just the history of the actions of the United States in it's current form but the history of the intent behind the founding inception of the ideals that crafted the fundamental ethos of the United States. In doing so we may just be able to steer this ship back on course and avoid utter damnation. The onus is on all of us and with that it is time we held those responsible for the destruction of the 21st century accountable and picked up the slack; making our founders proud in knowing we will honorably carry on the noble and venerable tradition of ideals they founded this nation upon.





We Live In A 1776 Moment:

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