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Ruger® 75th Anniversary Mark IV™ Target 22 Semi-Auto Pistol

1 year ago

For More Information: https://gunblast.com/Ruger-MKIV75th.htm

Boge Quinn (https://gunblast.com/) tests Ruger''s NEW 75th Anniversary Commemorative Mark IV Target pistol.

The Ruger 75th Anniversary Mark IV Target pistol is an accurate, beautiful, fitting, and affordable commemorative, fulfilling the original 1949 Standard Auto's promise of economical quality. Current retail price of the 75th Anniversary Mark IV is $599.00 US, which is only $30.00 more than the base Mark IV with fixed sights.

Ruger®: https://ruger.com/

To Find a Ruger® Dealer Near You, Click on the DEALER FINDER at Lipsey's: http://www.lipseys.com/

Order Ammo Online at Lucky Gunner: https://www.luckygunner.com/rimfire/22-lr-ammo

CCI® Ammunition: https://www.cci-ammunition.com/

Eley® Ammunition: https://www.eleyammunition.com/

Federal® Ammunition: https://www.federalpremium.com/

Lyman Products: https://www.lymanproducts.com/