Capricorn 20. Cancer 20. I am the President. Embracing Flow. Astrology. Symbols. Podcast. Sabian

11 months ago

Embracing flow, angelic messages, psychic knowingness, taking the helm of our life and listening to inner guidance, listening to dreams, Angels, beautiful music, poets, songwriters, choirs. These videos are not just for people into astrology. Ruby and Petalite crystals. Cancer Capricorn 20 axis. Symbols, Psychology, Pictographs, imagery PLUS the gemstones for each. I have studied the work of Lynda Hill, the book you see me reading from. John Sandbach, a poetic look at these degrees, a brilliant author on Astrology. And Dane Rudhyar, another brilliant writer and researcher. So all my notes on the degrees from all sources as well as my own experiences are what I'm referring to in this video.
This is my experience and opinion only. These videos are for entertainment and food for thought only. Always make your health and life choices based on your own judgement and advice of doctor.

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