Looking for the Blessed Hope - Titus 2:13

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Titus 2:13 says, "looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great ELOHIM and Savior, YESHUA the Messiah"
Throughout ages gone by, the "Blessed Hope" has been the hope of the righteous since the beginning of time. Righteous men and women have longed after a redemption and restoration of what was lost when Adam and Eve first sinned, and the peril that first act of sin has brought upon the world.

Many of you already know, our Heavenly Father's solution to the problem of sin was sending His only begotten son Yeshua into the world to bear the sins and iniquities of every person, and those who put faith in Yeshua will be saved. What does this salvation we receive through faith entail?

In 1 Corinthians 15:22 it says "For as in Adam all die, so also in Messiah all will be made alive." Many believe this means, for those who put faith in Messiah, their spirit will go off to Heaven when their body dies and they will enjoy eternal bliss and happiness as a spirit in Heaven. Does this idea make sense? If Adam comitted sin in his physical body, and his physical body died, along with all of those who are his descendants, the entire human race, wouldn't being "made alive" through faith in Messiah pertain to your physical body as well?

After Yeshua was raised from the dead, He appeared to His disciples. In Luke 24:39, Yeshua says "See my hands and my feet, that it is truly me. Touch me and see, for a spirit doesn’t have flesh and bones, as you see that I have.” We clearly see in this verse that Yeshua appeared to His disciples in His physical, resurrected body and not as a spirit being.

So, what is this "Blessed Hope" that Yeshua the Messiah has purchased for us through the giving of Himself? What about the timing of this event? We can see in our verse, Titus 2:13, the "Blessed Hope" is linked to the glorious appearing of Yeshua the Messiah. Discover through scripture what the "Blessed Hope" truly is and what it is not in this video.

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