Teddy Bear keychain From hair Rubber Band

5 months ago

Create your own whimsical teddy bear keychain using just a hair rubber band! This charming little accessory is perfect for adding a touch of sweetness to your keys, backpack, or purse.


Hair rubber band (color of your choice)
Small piece of felt (for the bear's body)
Tiny googly eyes
Small colored pom-pom (for the nose)
Ribbon or string (for the bow, optional)
Keychain ring

Prepare the Bear's Body:

Cut a small oval or circular shape from the felt to serve as the bear's body.
Attach the Rubber Band:

Loop the hair rubber band around the felt, creating the bear's head. Make sure it's secure but not too tight.
Add the Facial Features:

Glue googly eyes onto the bear's face and attach a tiny pom-pom as the nose. You can use a marker to draw a sweet smile.
Create a Bow (Optional):

If you want to add a cute bow, tie a small ribbon or string around the bear's neck. Trim any excess.
Attach the Keychain Ring:

Securely attach the keychain ring to the hair rubber band, ensuring it's firmly in place.
Voila! You now have a delightful teddy bear keychain made with love. It's a fantastic way to repurpose a hair rubber band into a charming accessory that will bring a smile to your face every day.

Give it a try and let me know how your teddy bear keychain turns out!

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