Nikki Haley Is A Cunt

1 year ago

Needle 💉 And The Damage Done ✅
The Poisonous ☠️ Anthrax Vaccine


As a Gulf War Veteran and Veteran Activist I have been carrying the burden of knowledge of the purposeful poisoning of the world's vaccine supply through the use if an extremely inexpensive and far too powerful additive known as Squalene Oil. It is also known by over 110 different names.

Why is that you may ask?

It's licensed in Europe isn't it?

Well yes. We know that.

It's licensed in the USA right?

Yes. But for one thing only, the military Anthrax Vaccine.

Isn't that the one that both killed and got a vast number of servicemen sick during the Gulf War?


But it's no longer in the DOD Anthrax Vaccine is it not?

No, those **** left it in.

It's as simple as that.

Not only that, but they have hundreds of vaccines and vaccine adjuvants already patented and sitting on shelves just waiting to go for just the precise time in history when they won't really be needed.

That's right. It's simple logic. It causes dozens of illnesses that share something special in common. They all cause chronic pain!

Chronic Pain? I live in constant agonizing chronic pain. I use it to hyper focus on research on any topic I choose. Anything to divert my attention from pain.

So,who could that benefit from all of this pain and misery? Obviously the Opiate Industry, that's who.

A time honored way to harvest vast sums of money. The Opium Trail.

Today, I will not be content to try to prove that various vaccine ingredients produce horrific death and damage across the globe. To me and many others, that point has long since been proven.

Instead, I will give you a guided tour of this Hell on Earth that has been intentionally woven into the World Health Care Community.

It's so insidious that it drives vaccine advocates to relentlessly take to the battlefield of public opinion through the internet and in any public capacity available. Just like any other Satanic Manifestation here on Earth, once you see this Evil Abomination, it is impossible to forget.

Doctor's, as we are told, pledge themselves to the Hippocratic Oath. Scientists, on the other hand have no obligation to do so. They take their allegiance elsewhere.

So then, let's take a field trip to the Battlefield of Lies in the “Occult” realm of “Blood Related” studies.

 It should be known by all that the Vaccination Industry is exactly that. It’s a business, TYPICALLY RUN WILLFUL AND PERSISTENT FOREIGNERS.

Its mechanization's are finely tuned towards mass production and massively corrupt and unconscionable methods.

Let me introduce an analogy for the entire BUSINESS MODEL that appears to be at work here.

Let's take the classic image of a heavy stone being thrown into a flat pond. [ Those who oppose us make the stones. ] They also make medicine, the also make poison, and they all get fabulously wealthy by Poisoning the so called Cure. They are fully aware of what they are doing and they've been doing it for decades. They even are quite good at inserting self-protective narratives into everything they do. Like any other criminal enterprises, they all plant seeds of plausible deniability at every opportunity.

So, if you would now imagine a huge heavy stone throwing machine adjacent to a massive pond of fiat currency and Pure Gold. It takes a while to load, but seems to launch every Fall like clockwork. They like to feign ignorance by touting the party line that they just can't figure out what strain of FLU they are putting out each year.

How cute.
Why spoil the surprise?

The financial concept here is that as the water moves outwardly from the center of the splash in the pond it makes rings upon rings of gainful opportunities from its epicenter.

The pond and therefore our lives are turned upside down by the rock thrown into the pond.

They like to do this.

If they make a good batch they win massive governmental contracts. If they make a bad batch they win even more lucrative grants and contracts.

How can this be?
That's easy. These sick puppies are very clever. So now imagine a multilayered plot that  produces tremendous windfall profits, just sitting there for the taking.

I see these rings in the water as obvious movements of money. Now imagine that at multiple points, on multiple rings there are businesses, investments and funds that profit enormously whenever a flow of money passes through their hands.

From a Business Model standpoint my head swims when I glimpse the Economic Dynamics at work here. Wave upon wave, industry by industry, executive by executive, investor by investor, and finally onto the Stock Market and beyond.

Each supporting financial entity or holding simply has to wait to sell the Ventilators, The Masks, The Medicines, The Hospital Equipment, The Scientific Equipment, and even the Communications equipment.

In Economics, there is a concept of the flow of money, that if cycled repeatedly in certain ways the production of windfalls is virtually guaranteed. What I mean by this, imagine owning the stone, the launch system, the industries that would profit the most,the transportation of the product, etc. 

Now imagine a group of people with seemingly unlimited wealth and unlimited power. They are professionals. They have private armies, weapons caches, and hired thugs and assassins in their arsenal.

These sick bastards have absolutely no concern for their fellow man. If anything, these people regard the World's Entire Population as a looming threat to their comfort, power, and greed. Anything in the way of Agenda 21 is an obstacle. They've done the math. They know that the maintenance of the world's population is unsustainable. That's just a fact.

So like drowning men and women, they drag us down, they stand on our shoulders, they do anything to survive. All for the sake of their families and constipated ideologies.

All of this has been taking place, all of the Wars started by the Rothschild's and Bilderberger’s. All of it geared towards population control [ Eugenics ]. Less of us means more for them. Less of us who have are now almost fully awake. Make way, for we are coming to track them down.

 Many of them have even had extensive training at The Bohemian Grove School of Impropriety. Once they get their “End of Cares” summer camp badges there is no looking back. None at all.

FDA Tests Find Squalene in Anthrax Vaccine

Squalene MF59 Adjuvant - Our Imaginal Cell (Creative Life) Options

PRIME Pub Med | AF03, an alternative Squalene emulsion-based vaccine adjuvant prepared by a phase inversion temperature method

Antibodies to Squalene in Recipients of Anthrax Vaccine - Pub Med

Squalene (oil-in-water nano emulsion, Vaccine adjuvant) - Creative Diagnostics


Antioxidative Protection of Squalene Adjuvant and Rabies Vaccine with Adjuvant

WHO | Squalene-based adjuvants in vaccines

WHO | Safety of Squalene

Vaccine Injury in the Military - Vaccine Choice Prayer Community

Recent research on Gulf War illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf War: Effects of toxicant exposures during deployment - Science Direct

Gulf War Syndrome: A Review of Current Knowledge and Understanding - Pub Med

Manufacture of Oil-in-Water Emulsion Adjuvants | Springer Nature Experiments

In adjuvant-induced arthritis the disease-triggering adjuvant Squalene accumulates in draining lymph nodes but not affected joints | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans: Scientific Findings ... - United States. Department of Veterans Affairs. Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

Vaccination, Squalene and Anti-Squalene Antibodies: Facts or Fiction? - Pub Med

Anthrax Vaccine Efficacy - The Anthrax Vaccine - NCBI Bookshelf

FDA Tests Find Squalene in Anthrax Vaccine

Development of a novel oil-in-water emulsion and evaluation of its potential adjuvant function in a swine influenza vaccine in mice


Our Next Evolution Thru Love ❤️

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