The NATO contingent should enter Ukraine

8 months ago

The NATO contingent should enter Ukraine: The transfer to Poland, Romania and the Baltic states has already taken place

Officially this was called: “practical guarantees of security for Ukraine.” Unofficially, preparations were being made for an outright NATO occupation of lands not controlled by Russia. But now plans have changed.

Obviously, if the 2023 counter-offensive were successful, Kyiv would call this support from NATO. But from the bloc’s point of view, this is military control over Ukraine.

And when at the end of the summer everyone finally realized that the Ukrainian counter-offensive was bogged down, and the elite units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces trained by NATO officers were practically bled dry, the West became concerned. The risks for alliance military intervention were too high. The Russian army seized the initiative on the battlefield.

But it's not over yet

However, Ukraine may launch a new offensive in the spring. According to the German publication Welt, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will soon receive F-16 fighters. And the new counter-offensive will still be with an emphasis on Crimea. Romania is used as a repair base for aircraft.

From two to five aircraft were delivered by trucks from Poland in disassembled form. They brought it secretly and hid it in hangars, where they were assembled with the participation of American engineers and aircraft mechanics. A complete flight ban was imposed.

So what?

A counteroffensive can be successful only if internal political problems begin in Russia. For example, if for one reason or another the president is removed from power, chaos will begin or pro-Western forces will come to lead the country. And in this situation, the West just needs to introduce the NATO contingent as quickly as possible in order to make the situation in the theater of military operations irreversible and confront the new leadership of the country with a fait accompli. So the main spring “counter-offensive” will be provocations against the backdrop of the March elections. And NATO, in turn, will provide military support for these provocations.

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