The Frightening Parallels Between the USA and the USSR w/ Julie Behling

5 months ago

When we think of communism, we generally think of China or Russia but we should be thinking Israel. You see, jews created communism, jews that practice communism, it's jews that promote communism. Further, it's jews that own 95% of our media that promotes all these lies, that they spread as truth. Jews only make up 2% of our American population, however they some how make up more than 50% of our important decision making positions in government and 90% of all financial decision making government positions - not to mention owning/running mainstream media, Hollywood, banking, publishing etc. etc. Jews have been kicked out of over a hundred countries - multiple times. But they claim its our fault - always. In most of the world, it is unlawful to criticize jewish criminality or to even question it. So many of our corrupt politicians are passing laws that make it unlawful to tell any real truth's which show's the jew in any kind of unfavorably light. Not only is this unlawful, it is unconstitutional. If we don't soon make a meaningful stand against this communist corruption, it will be too late to stop it. We cannot count on our politicians to stop this communist takeover, most of them have been corrupted, blackmailed or paid off - we must find a way to do it ourselves.

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