5 Dynamic Prompts for Marketers with ChatGPT

5 months ago

My favorite 5 prompts for marketers using ChatGPT. Prompt #1: Please write a blog post about [insert the topic here] and use stats and data throughout the article while citing your sources as well as write the introduction in a storytelling format. By having ChatGPT add storytelling in your introductory paragraph you will be able to keep the reader more engaged. And when you add in stats and data, it helps with credibility. Plus this format also makes it easier for me to modify the content. Prompt #2: Please share interesting stats about [insert the topic here] that very few people are talking about. Please cite your sources. This prompt gives me ideas for social content, blog posts, and podcast episodes. Prompt #3: What topics does [insert competitor URL] discuss the most frequently? This is one of the easiest ways to figure out what your competitors talk about. It will give you specific ideas of what to blog about. Prompt #4: What are the most popular social posts about [insert the topic] based on likes and shares? A great prompt to find out what kind of social content you can try posting. Prompt #5: What are the most popular blog posts on [competitor URL]? You typically will get 3 results. It’s a great way to find evergreen topics to blog on that keep producing organic search traffic.

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