Communist China's asserted 5% GDP growth rate seems more like a charade orchestrated by them

4 months ago

1/8/2024 Rockefeller International Chairman Ruchir Sharma: Communist China's asserted 5% GDP growth rate seems more like a charade orchestrated by them. They don't seem inclined to stimulate their way out of the situation. Xi Jinping doesn't really believe in a free-market economy. Communist China’s private companies are berated, and their valuations are converging with those of state-owned ones. The whole market in Communist China is trading like one big state-owned enterprise.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
1/8/2024 洛克菲勒国际公司董事长鲁奇尔·夏尔马:中共国5%的GDP增长只是中共玩的假擀面杖子游戏。中共国不会通过刺激经济来摆脱困境。习近平并不相信自由市场经济,中共国的私营企业正在遭受责难,而他们的估值也正在向国有企业靠拢。整个中共国市场如同一个巨型国企一样在运作。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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