a chick that's an obvious cray cray would inevitably have cats *ditty on the plebs n their "threats"

11 months ago

that's probably why they're called brights, amy
the rain is so cold right now
wind advisory, damn weather machine
sumin tells me that this mini cooper has pretty good brights
man, i need an alignment
in case you missed that string of videos where i wouldn't shut up about running off the road
did i just hit a couch cushion
that ever so typical trope of a "joke"
lauren remembers arlo, i miss that mf so much
they obviously didn't watch the video
i can only assume that they were mocking me
it can't get no worse than the sheep repeating the same tired bullshit that makes em feel better about themselves
"you're gonna die alone"
you can't bid on yer kids (or yer spouse for that matter) stickin around (you can always hope for the best but no guarantees)
why would you wanna make decisions based on fear or society's preconceived notions
i don't have the time to explain
it's just the way that it is, i'm over here n you're over there
i'm not yelling at you for being boring now
you don't hear a peep from me
i expect you to think that certain things are a threat to me
the most unoriginal age that has ever been
when don't chu need to share yer biz all over the internet
yt is my creative effort, my "documentary" on mental illness
free "philosophy" course? thanks, lauren
i feel too cynical to be called a philosopher
i don't wanna be hopeless or nothin but i don't wanna lie

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