The one faith from God Christian Bible in Greek and Hebrew will be restored in 43 years. Free Greek!

9 months ago

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THEN YOU WILL WANT TO PREPARE BY LEARNING THE WISDOM FROM ABOVE, THE BIBLE IN GREEK AND HEBREW IN THESE LAST DAYS OF THE KINGDOMS OF MEN Dan. 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21! The second coming of the destroyer 1 Cor. 10:10, fire, or space weather in 43 years will destroy this world 2 Pet. 3. Those with ears to hear and eyes to see can see the second coming of the great and notable day by observing bad weather around us Heb. 10:25. There will be a restoration, from the fall of man 2 Thess. 2:3; Judas 3 and the tower of Babble where the meek will inherit the new heaven and new earth, Matt. 5:5 and speak the languages of the Bible and kingdom from God. Perhaps speaking only Greek and Hebrew in the kingdom freed from Satan’s mega sword Rev. 6:4 of every wind of the doctrine of men. If you believe it is time to begin contending for the one true faith by removing the seals/lies/wiles of the Devil Rev. 5:1ff; Eph. 6!

Only our creator determines when, if, or when we, while still alive, will understand the differences between the ways of God and the ways of men 1 Cor. 2:6-16; Matt. 13:11; Isa. 55:8ff; 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Micah 7:15; Dan. 2:44; 12:4.

Satan, the Antichrist, denis the authority of Christ by lying to us and telling us that Elohim is singular in number, that Jesus was not Theos in the flesh 1 John 4:3, and that He could not have been the chief spokesman for the Godhead cf. Gen. 1:26, unless otherwise indicated. Saul believed Satan and that is why He was persecuting Christians before his conversion. So with Bible translations of men, and even with the original text, we have no idea that Christ was the one speaking in the Bible unless the context is otherwise noted. It is now time for us to properly learn Greek and Hebrew.

Satan has ruled over the kingdoms of men and stole our peace and sanity for the past 1680 years with Bible translations of men by claiming to be God, the Holy Spirit, a messenger of light, a lizard person, or whatever so that we are distracted from thinking about the fact that Christ has all authority. Satan, the second horseman of the apocalypse, has and still is lying to us convincing us that we can be like God, that our subjective truth, pseudo-science, and phileo love is just as good if not better than the ways of God. The seven seals, stripes, bowls of wrath, etc. of Revelation is about Christ breaking the 7 lies/wiles/seals of Satan Rev. 5:1ff. When they are all broken and removed by 2,000-year-old prophecy for 43 years of the last days or end times of the kingdoms of men, the Bible and therefore the second age of the Kingdom of heaven will be restored.
The Lord is long-suffering not willing that any should perish, so many, counted as righteous by God, are in paradise awaiting salvation to be brought down from heaven Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30. In the Lord’s prayer, Christ the perfect preacher shows us how we should pray for salvation from the temptation of evil Matt. 6:13. We do not fight against flesh and blood or the spirits of dead evil men now demons. Evil is succinctly described as Satan’s mega sword or the temptation of every wind of the doctrine of men Rev. 6:4.

Bibles translated by men are earthy, sensual, devilish, and the authority behind the murder of Christ James 3:5; 1 Cor. 2:6-16. Even one word/mistake/lie/wile/translation/chapter or verse division from men added to or taken away from the God's breathed Word makes them not the Bible at all Gal. 1:6-10; Rev. 22:18, 19. The Bible is not of private interpretation or translation 2 Pet. 1:20. It is not in man to guide his steps Jer. 10:23. We will transition from the ways of men to the ways of God for 43 years. Once completed in about 43 years, Christ will resume His rule over the kingdom of heaven, with the Royal Law of Agape Love, AKA The Perfect Law of Liberty, AKA the Rod of Iron. It is the truth Jesus promised that would free us from every wind of the doctrine of men John 8:32, and bring salvation from the ways of men down from heaven for the second time.
The ways of men were necessary so men could murder the Son of God and so that demons, especially Satan, could battle against God with his mega sword Rev. 6:4, so that men for the second time can fight the good fight of faith, in these last days or end times of the kingdoms of men 1 Cor. 2:6-16; James 5:7-11; Dan. 2:44; 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; 2 Pet. 3.


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