We Are Not Enemies

8 months ago

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” - Luke 23:34.

Every single one of us has sinned. We all have fallen short of God's perfect and wonderful standard, and yet He pursued reconciliation for us so passionately that He sent Himself to die in order to bring us together with Him.

What a perfect example of forgiveness! Even while God should have called us enemies, He call us "children" instead.

Starting on November 26, 2023, God wants us to do as He did and FORGIVE those who have wronged us. Extend hands of mercy. Humble ourselves and let go of our anger.

If we do this, He promises that He will HEAL our land.

Find out more about this Season of Forgiveness by visiting WeAreNotEnemies.com!

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