Artificial Intelligence: The Biggest Threat to Humanity?

6 months ago

The term “artificial intelligence,” or AI, has become a buzzword in recent years. Optimists see AI as the panacea to society’s most fundamental problems, from crime to corruption to inequality, while pessimists fear that AI will overtake human intelligence and crown itself king of the world. Underlying these two seemingly antithetical views is the assumption that AI is better and smarter than humanity and will ultimately replace humanity in making decisions.

It is easy to buy into the hype of omnipotent artificial intelligence these days, as venture capitalists dump billions of dollars into tech start-ups and government technocrats boast of how AI helps them streamline municipal governance. But the hype is just hype: AI is simply not as smart as we think. The true threat of AI to humanity lies not in the power of AI itself but in the ways people are already beginning to use it to chip away at our humanity.

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