King Archon: Ruler Of the Earth Energy Farm. How To Mute the Archon & Re-Program Your MIND

6 months ago

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Lets discuss the unfortunate face that humankind has a hijacked mind and body. Human beings are now an amalgam of their mental/emotional programming & conditioning. In this video I discuss the fact that people have an internal dialogue running on auto pilot in their minds, and how this internal dialogue leads people astray and makes them identify with thoughts that are not their own. We discuss the various levels of the mind and we delve into explanations of what I call the front of the mind, as well as the back of the mind. Understanding these 2 primary portions of the human mind will allow you to begin tapping into your power. If you wish to start experiencing the back of the mind so that you may come into contact with the archons influence you must first have a valid system for completely stilling your mind.

The first step is to create a healthy daily routine. It needs to be a routine that increases your physical strength as well as your mental strength & emotional/spiritual resilience. As a foundation, mineralizing your body is key. Self generated holy water made into a chaga mushroom tea mixed with Shilajit resin is a good start. If you cannot afford it, purchase a basic mineral supplement. Solaray has a good one thats under 15 dollars called Mega-Multi-Mineral Iron free. Do your best to remove gluten and vegetable oils from your daily food intake. Ground yourself a minimum of 3 times a week for 20 minutes each session and allow some sunlight on your skin after you've cleaned it with the Dr Cassar skin cleaning solution.

As you get better at your daily health regimen, start to do the full body relaxation exercise that we talk about often here on the channel and learn to master it. This is not something that comes overnight and takes a considerable effort. This will increase your peace by removing the stress from your muscle memory. As the stress is deleted your mind will enter into peace. This is crucial as at this point you will want to start doing the thoughtlessness exercise that we discuss on this channel. Its very difficult to gain anything from this exercise without first mastering the full body relaxation exercise. With a body receiving adequate mineral intake, while simultaneously eating better and EXCLUDING the wrong foods your mind will start to work more efficiently which will aid in the inner exercises that we talked about above.

Through all of this you will catch on to the fact that large portions of our minds are occupied by what I call foreign installations of the archon. In order to get rid of the archons influence your body and mind has to be in a state where it can perceive it. The above formula is a very basic foundation for achieving this which needs to be greatly tailored to ones one self. The proper practice of magick is also crucial. I hope this helps. This is a lifestyle, not an overnight kind of thing and surely not something that comes instantly or even a matter of weeks.

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