1 year ago

Its no secret that things are products of their environments...

Virtually nothing exists without being directly affected by those factors and surroundings.

However, they dont have to predetermine your outcome...

Growth requires movement and action from a physical, spiritual, financial, energetic standpoint.

Although there are many factors that are out of our control, it makes the ones we can control even more critical.

There will come a time in your life when you have outgrown your surroundings and need to make a conscious choice to move forward.

This choice is often not easy because it can mean leaving people, places, things, behind.

Its important to remember that you are not abandoning them but have grown beyond the container they choose to stay in.

Be proud of your growth and dont let the container hold you back !


#mindset #grow #growth #podcast #couples #relationship #inspire #develop #advance

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