🤬🤬🤬 Multiple States Have Already Voted To Allow Illegal Immigrants,

6 months ago

(Non-Citizens) To Vote & Many More States Currently In Process Of Passing Legislation To Allow Them To Vote...
“Non-citizens have not been eligible to vote in New York or as far as I know in any other state since the 19th century.”
That's not true. The New York City Council voted in December to allow this. It begins January 9, 2023. Cities in Vermont and Maryland already allow this, and similar measures are under consideration in Illinois, Maine, and Massachusetts right now. Mr. Gentleman, were you? Yes. I believe those are considerations of allowing votes in municipal elections only. Right, but thank you. That's the point. Everybody wants to know at home, why would they allow this? Guys, they're allowing it because they're gonna turn them into voters. They already are doing this in New York City, largest city in America, and this is the plan of our friends on this side to turn all the illegals into voters. That's it, folks. That's what's going on. That's the game. That's why the border's open.
That's why they've dropped it. Look, I respect Ms. Loughran and all her work in this arena. Yes, I'll yield, Mr. Chairman. I'd love to hear what you have to say about this. As a New Yorker, I would love to think that New York is the entire country, but it is not. It is not, and consideration is being given to permitting non-citizens to vote in New York and I believe in the capital city of Vermont, I forget which that is, but it is much as I'd like to believe it, New York and Vermont are not the entire country.
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