9 months ago

Over the course of my CA. Gubernatorial candidacies I have been asked a multitude of questions, but the biggest question is...WHY...WHY are these nefarious bureaucrats getting away with egregious acts against their very own constituents who put them in office? They are in violation of their sworn duty, aren't they?

So I had to ask myself,...are they in violation?

It is by the grace of God and my amazing team of American loving patriots who helped to discover that it is the California OATH itself that is one of the main culprits perpetuating the degeneracy.

No other candidate or activists have truly bothered to research the California oath. It is the oath that WE THE PEOPLE need to change!! I believe it to be one of the few remaining acts we can peacefully engage upon in order for us to take back our state before an arsenal war comes to our doorsteps.

This edited down video is my end of the year summary presentation, given at Patriots For Freedom December event about that discovery. I encourage you to watch the whole video especially if you are an activist or a candidate. Use this for the peoples advantage against crooked operatives in office.
Expect this 2024 Presidential election year to be hellfire. We are going to need all the fighting tools we can get our hands on. I believe the subject matter of the oath is one of top priority.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm fiercely accurate, but no matter what, test the spirit of information so that iron may sharpen iron.

Happy New Year!

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