Nephilim Giants – Fallen Angels – Underground with Humans Preparing to fight a Galactic War with God

1 year ago

Survivor Nephilims from the flood working in underground military bases preparing to fight a galactic war with God and they believe they will win. The original Nephilim are the ones who the Fallen Angels mated with women on Earth to create this Giant Race. Post flood the female Nephilim lost fertility so they began a new blood line mating with the human women. This what is called “Royal Bloodlines” and there are many, many different ones.

If you want to learn much, much more on the Nephilim, Fallen Angels and Bloodlines of the Royals and Elite → Just Uploaded today 1/9/2024 Watch this for sure → ***Gary Wayne – The Nephilim, Fairy & Dragon Royal Bloodlines and the NWO’s End of Times Objective

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