Shenzhen residents protest against the unscrupulous practices of a real estate developer

11 months ago

1/7/2024 Shenzhen residents protest against the unscrupulous practices of a real estate developer. A video circulating online shows homeowners from the Qianhai Tianjing community in Shenzhen, Guangdong, accusing the developer, Logan Group, of cutting corners in construction and forcibly delivering incomplete homes. The suffering brought by the collapse of the CCP's real estate has awakened numerous Chinese people, prompting them to bravely speak out!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
1/7/2024 深圳老百姓抗议房地产开发商无良行径。网传视频显示,广东深圳前海天境小区业主们指责开发商龙光集团偷工减料,未完工就强行交楼。 中共房地产的崩溃让无数中国人疼醒并勇敢地站出来发声!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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