Fabulous to see a return to tradition wedding dresses, well done to this Russian lady

1 year ago

Russian folk wedding dresses ... too modest to make a come back? What do you think?

National Russian dress has been destroyed by centuries of bolshevik-type revolutions, not just the one... The people have been made to hate their own dress, beliefs & really themselves.

Soon the ignorant masses will learn about the Khazarian False Jews, their satanic connections to the Bolsheviks, their many identity changes to Ashkenazis, Sephardic, all of whom are false Jews. The people will learn the truth about the Zionist New World Order, the truth about Hitler and the Nazis, the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the no-coincidence 1917 Bolshevik communist satanic invasion of Russia. The 1933 introduction of "Birth Certificates" and the no-coincidence rise to power of the said Adolf Hitler.

I would love to see Russia flourish, because without Russia the west would have been utterly destroyed, several times Russia has saved the USA.

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