Prof. Fuhua Yang #4 @ FLOGEN SIPS 2022 Yoshikawa Intl. Symposium on Oxidative Stress

1 year ago

FLOGEN SIPS 2022: Yoshikawa International Symposium on Oxidative Stress for Sustainable Development of Human Beings (2nd international Symposium)

Prof. Fuhua Yang, Division of Anti-Oxidant Research, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan

Usefulness of Antioxidant Combination Products for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

In Chronic Fatigue syndrome (CFS), a complex combination of factors such as infections and excessive stress in daily life causes abnormalities in the immune system, endocrine system, brain, and neurological functions. The pathogenesis of the syndrome is not yet clear, and no treatment has been established. Recently, it has been reported that CFS-like symptoms are also observed in COVID-19 sequelae and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine sequelae, and there is an urgent need to clarify the pathogenesis mechanism and establish prevention and treatment methods. Abnormal energy metabolism due to mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation in the brain have been reported as one of the causes of CFS. Since oxidative stress is highly related to both of these factors, it was thought that suppressing oxidative stress may lead to improvement of various symptoms of CFS. Therefore, we analyzed the symptom changes before and after the use of an antioxidant combination supplement, Twendee Mtcontrol (Tmt), taken by people who had been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Participants recruited via the web were asked whether they were diagnosed as CFS, and to rate the impact of their major symptoms (fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, sleep disturbances, memory and concentration problems, and headaches) on their daily lives on a 6-point scale from "no impact" (0) to "high impact" (5). Of these, 23 people who were actually diagnosed with CFS were asked to took 3 tablets of Tmt orally every day for 2 months, and to self-evaluate the effects on their daily lives of the main symptoms (fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, sleep disturbance, memory and concentration loss, and headache) before and after taking the supplement on the Web, and the changes were tabulated ( Eyze, Inc.). The results showed that before taking the supplement, 96% of participants reported that CFS had a high degree of impact (score of 3 or higher) on their daily lives. For each symptom level, the percentages of participants who reported a high degree of impact were as follows: fatigue accounted for 82%, muscle pain for 52%, joint pain for 74%, sleep disturbance for 100%, poor memory and concentration for 87%, and headache for 74%. In general, the quality of daily life was not good. However, after 2 months of treatment, there was a significant (p less than 0.01) improvement in the impact of CFS on daily life and in all symptoms. In particular, the number of people who rated it as the most affecting their daily life (score 5) regarding memory and concentration loss went from 22% to 0% after taking the supplement. Other subjective symptoms included improved awakening and sleeping, feeling lighter, feeling less tired, recovering from fatigue more quickly, and feeling less mentally depressed. Although the effects of various antioxidants have been reported for CFS, most of them are mainly for fatigue, and there are no reports showing significant effects on various symptoms. This may be due to differences in the combination of antioxidants and their antioxidant capacity. The results of this study may be useful for future treatment and prevention of CFS.


1). Feng T, Yamashita T, Abe K, et al. In Vitro Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Dietary Supplements by Electron Spin Resonance. Brain Supplements. 2020; 2: 1-12.

2). You F, Tanaka S, Inufusa H, et al. Effects of Antioxidant composition Twendee X on side effects of SARS -COV-2 mRNA vaccine. Brain Supplement. 2022; 4: 1-6.

3). You F, Tanaka S, Inufusa H, et al. Antioxidant composition Twendee X may improve long COVID symptoms. Brain Supplement. 2022; 4: 7-12.

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