KingCobraJFS Jan 18, 2018 "Pitch Black Chip challange"

1 year ago

On this day, King Cobra focuses on a challenge involving Doritos Poppin' Jalapeno chips. He starts by playing some guitar and then vehemently criticizes the trend of eating laundry soap pods, advising against it due to its harmful nature. Instead, he introduces his own challenge: eating an entire bag of Doritos Poppin' Jalapeno chips in one sitting without drinking anything until he's finished. During the challenge, he shares his thoughts on the chips' taste, comparing them to salsa with a hint of jalapeno, and describes the accumulating heat from the chips. He successfully completes the challenge and then washes it down with Mountain Dew Pitch Black. The video also includes a segment where he expresses his opinions on various topics, including the packaging of Doritos and societal issues.
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