In the Image of Man

1 year ago

The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:27…”So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

(Buzzer sound effect)

In 2024, man is canceling God’s creation. Our new upgrade, Man 2.0 is being readied in government labs and corporate board rooms. The plan is to roll out a super cyber soldier…part man, part machine, part computer. It’s a hybrid vision…a combination Marvel movie hero and Book of Revelation villain…but real life and in real time.

The Western Journal plumbed the depths of discussions at a Defense Department conference held in Orlando, last November. Topics included The Matrix, breeding programs, cybernet implants, and the use of synthetic blood. The goal was creation of a soldier without human limitations…no reason for sleep, little need for food and water…one who runs fast, heals fast, and has no “off switch” on the battlefield.

This creature…this bionic man…could come from designer-gene babies, altered to become cutting-edge killing machines, fitted with non-invasive devices that would write orders directly to the human brain. What that means is formerly human beings devolving into mind-numbed robots.

But the story comes with another twist.

While military officials are toying with the creation of Master Race aviator babies and Star Wars Storm Troopers, Democrats are eyeing a low-tech, temporary solution to falling military enlistment numbers, one that might bolster their own flagging numbers at the polls. Senators Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin of Illinois support a plan allowing aliens in the United States illegally to enroll in our Armed Forces as a direct path to U.S. citizenship.

And guess who would be recruiting most of those new votes? The Democrats, who opposed the wall and sponsored the enlistment bills, naturally.

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