Dogs give Dad the "Puppy Dog Eyes"

7 years ago

These two Golden Retrievers have an awesome dad. Rob has spent countless hours training and playing with his two pooches. After Rob took Danté , on the right in the video,shopping for the frisbee, once home they all got together to start wrapping. Laela his sister sat so calmly assisting in the wrapping . Danté is 3 years old today, December 24,2017 while his sister Laela is 1. As you can see all of Rob's training has paid off. Although they both anticipated the "ok, get it" which did not come this day, they both sure were hoping for that phrase. Dogs are such great pets, and they sure know how to tug at our heart strings...just look at Danté's eyes. Do you think they know the gift will have their name on it under the tree Christmas morning? Maybe, maybe not, but i bet they sure are excited when they unwrap that super fun frisbee.

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