More than 2 in 3 pet owners believe they adopted themself in pet form

8 months ago

Two-thirds of Americans say their pet is the four-legged version of themselves, according to new research.

The survey of 2,000 dog and cat owners revealed that 65% believe they adopted themself in pet form due to the overwhelming number of similarities.

Four in 10 (38%) said they share personality traits or hobbies — this includes enjoying long walks (67%) and car rides (57%) to sharing a love of peanut butter (50%).

Respondents and their pets also both dislike mornings (32%) and spend their time taking naps in patches of sunlight (24%).

A third (34%) believe they share physical characteristics with their pet — whether that’s the same eye color (61%), a similar overall size (54%) or the same hair and fur style (54%).

Cat owners were slightly more likely to say they “adopted themselves in pet form,” compared to dog owners (70% vs. 63%).

Despite that, dog owners felt there were more noticeable similarities between them and their pets — both in terms of physical characteristics (36% vs. 29% for cat owners) and personality (42% vs. 35% for cat owners).

Conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by Basepaws, the survey found respondents and their pets are so similar, they have the same New Year’s resolutions for 2024.

Almost half have created a resolution for themselves (44%) or their pets (46%) — of those with both (32%), the vast majority (90%) said it’ll be the same resolution for them and their furry friend.

Respondents and their pets will be focused on exercising more (71%), cutting back on treats (71%) and eating healthier (64%) in 2024.

They’ll also work to spend more time outside (59%) and take better care of their health (58%) throughout this upcoming year.

“As we enter 2024, many people are thinking of ways to get healthier — so why shouldn't we have the same goals for our four-legged friends?” said Anna Skaya, the CEO of Basepaws. “Nutrition and exercise are just as important to a pet's health as they are to your own, and they should be an area of focus well beyond Jan. 1. Resolutions are a great way to set some initial goals, but it’s important to stay on top of them throughout the year.”

When it comes to their health, 58% worry as much about their own health as they do their pet’s health — and 25% admitted they worry more about their pet’s health.

This worry is because respondents know less about their pet’s family history than they do their own (63%), and they don’t know what diseases their pet might be susceptible to (62%).

Not only that, but half of pet owners surveyed don’t know what preventative care they should be giving their pet, while others know less about their pet’s health history than their own (39%).

And 26% don’t know how to spot early signs of different diseases in their four-legged friend.

That said, 72% wish there was more they could do to ensure their pet is living a healthy life — with cat owners slightly more likely to agree (77% vs. 70% of dog owners).

“This research further emphasizes the unbreakable bond between pets and their people. Humans are able to predict and prepare for certain health issues by understanding their DNA and the same goes for those with four legs,” said Skaya. “Understanding your pet's unique DNA is more than knowing what breed they are — it can give you insight into predispositions for certain health issues and help you to better care for them.”

● Taking long walks — 67%
● Going on hikes — 57%
● Going on car rides — 57%
● Spending time at the beach — 51%
● A love of peanut butter — 50%
● A dislike of mornings — 32%
● A dislike of changes to the routine — 30%
● Enjoying treats — 28%
● Taking naps in patches of sunlight — 24%
● A dislike of new people or animals in my space — 23%

● Exercising more — 71%
● Cutting back on treats — 71%
● Eating healthier — 64%
● Spending more time outside — 59%
● Taking better care of our health — 58%

Survey methodology:
This random double-opt-in survey of 2,000 American dog and cat owners was commissioned by Basepaws between Dec. 5 and Dec. 6, 2023. It was conducted by market research company OnePoll, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society and have corporate membership to the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).

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